Doctor Who:
"I am definitely a madman with a box."
"'You're serious, aren't you?' 'About what I do, yes. Not necessarily the way I do it.'"
"Anybody remotely interesting is mad, in some way or another."
"'Eyes on the bowtie. I wear it and I don't care. Trust me?' 'Yeah' 'That's why it's cool.'"
"'And you kissed her back?' 'No, I kissed her mouth'"

"'Okay, need a better look. Gotta draw its fire, give it a proper target.' 'How?' 'Well, you know how sometimes I have really brilliant ideas?' 'Yeah...' 'I'm sorry' [jumps out from behind the Pandorica] 'HEY LOOK AT ME I'M A TARGET!"
"Funny how you can say something in your head and it sounds fine."
"Excuse me, I'm making perfect sense, you're just not keeping up."
"You're kidding me!" |
"What's your first name?' 'Alonso.' 'You're kidding me!' 'Uh... why?' 'There's something else I've always wanted to say: Allons- y, Alonso!'"
Percussive Maintenance |
(The Doctor examining the traces of ionic energy on someone's lawn)
'Ha ... tickles' [the homeowner appears, and he is annoyed] 'What's your game?' 'My um ... Snakes and Ladders ... quite good at Squash ... I'm being facetious, aren’t I? ...there's no call for it.'"
"'The weeping angels have no need of comfy chairs.' [delighted, aside] 'I got him to say comfy chairs!'"
"'What in God's name are you talking about?'
"'The weeping angels have no need of comfy chairs.' [delighted, aside] 'I got him to say comfy chairs!'"
"'What in God's name are you talking about?'
'Trust me. Just nod when he stops for breath.'
'Tracked you down with this. This is my timey-wimey detector. It goes ding when there's stuff. Also, it can boil an egg at 30 paces, whether you want it to or not, actually, so I've learned to stay away from hens. [seriously] It's not pretty when they blow.'"

"'Sorry. Checking all the water in this area. There's an escaped fish.' [taps his nose knowingly]
'Why did you just do that with the water?' 'Don't know. I think a lot. It's hard to keep track.'"
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