This is not Picasso. Now you think you're all clever, and you're like "Van Gogh!" But No. This is Doctor Who Graphics Artist. |
"'Everywhere we look, the complex magic of nature blazes before our eyes.' 'I've seen many things, my friend, but you're right: nothing quite as wonderful as the things you see.'"
"'It seems to me there's so much more to the world than the average eye is allowed to see. I believe, if you look hard, there are more wonders in this universe than you could ever have dreamed of. ...Every time I step outside, I feel nature is shouting at me. "Come on. Come and get me. Come on. Come on! Capture my mystery!"' 'Maybe you've had enough coffee now.'"
Carl Sagan:
"Imagination will carry us to worlds that never were. But without it we go nowhere."
"These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise. Its continuing mission: to explore strange new worlds..." |
"What seems to happen becomes its own happening and has to be told that way. ...And then afterward, when you go to tell about it, there is always that surreal seemingness, which makes the story seem untrue, but which in fact represents the hard and exact truth as it seemed."
"The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and all science. He...who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead: his eyes are closed."
This one's mine. |
"No one can advise or help you - no one. There is only one thing you should do. Go into yourself. Find out the reason that commands you to write; see whether it has spread its roots into the very depths of your heart; confess to yourself whether you would have to die if you were forbidden to write. This most of all: ask yourself in the most silent hour of your night: must I write? Dig into yourself for a deep answer. And if this answer rings out in assent, if you meet this solemn question with a strong, simple "I must", then build your life in accordance with this necessity"
"Surely all art is the result of one's having been in danger, of having gone through an experience all the way to the end, where no one can go any further."
Beautiful! Thanks